City of West Hollywood
Home MenuWhat Is Visioneering?
West Hollywood residents and business and community leaders have the opportunity to participate in the planning process by becoming volunteer facilitators or Visioneers. Anyone who lives or works in West Hollywood can be a Visioneer, after participating in a short training session which is planned for January 2008. The Visioneers are trained to solicit and document public input into the General Plan process through a series of facilitated community vision workshops. This process is called Visioneering and its purpose is to conduct more extensive outreach to a range of community groups, neighborhood groups and stakeholders.
As a Visioneer, you will use a Workshop Tool Kit to record issues and concerns related to the planning process. The Visioneering training sessions will review basic meeting management and facilitation, including group dynamics, communication, conflict resolution, leadership style, and motivational techniques.
The Visioneer process is designed to gather input from the broader community with representation of the cultural and geographic diversity of West Hollywood. Each Visioneer is encouraged to choose from the following methods to solicit community input:
- Activity 1: Facilitate a discussion with a group the Visioneer already meets with regularly
- Activity 2: Schedule a special meeting with a group you know and facilitate a discussion
- Activity 3: Distribute the Idea Cards to a group or groups