"My Spring. My Crown." is a reimagined and queered baptismal ritual, crafted by transgender artists Blair (they/he) and Laur Lewis Neal (they), centered around the trans experience, and open to all. This secular ritual will honor the transition of its participants and serve as a celebration of their self-recognition and communal belonging. The performance will take place on Sunday, April 30th from 2pm-3pm outdoors at Plummer Park in West Hollywood. This is a free event and is supported in part by an arts grant from the City of West Hollywood. Capacity is limited and seating will be socially-distanced to preserve our community's health. Secure your space by using the link to RSVP: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/my-spring-my-crown-tickets-572255851657?lang=en-us&locale=en_US&status=30&view=listing