Funded by the City of West Hollywood through WeHo Arts, these puppet shows highlight aspects of Eastern European culture and are geared towards children and parents. Each Russian language performance at 11 am is followed by an English language performance at 12:15 pm. Admission is free.
Slavic people live in Europe, speak Slavic languages, share common cultures and of course fairy tales. Here is your chance to enjoy a Ukrainian folk tale "The Bull made out of Straw " which will flow in to the Russian folk tale "Wooden House/Teremok" and "The Rabbit's Cabin". The power of combining all three stories into one is to give the characters a chance to travel from story to story and make friends.
Спектакль состоит из нескольких славянских народных сказок которые мы слышим с детства. За основу были взяты истории: Бычок Смоляной Бочок, Теремок, Заюшкина Избушка.
CONTACT: Michael Che, Economic Development and Cultural Affairs Coordinator