City of West Hollywood
Home MenuAnnual Community Awards
The Russian-speaking Advisory Board of the City of West Hollywood has established three awards to recognize individuals, businesses and organizations that have had a positive impact and bettered the lives of members of the Russian-speaking community in West Hollywood and the Los Angeles region.
In 2019, these awards were given at the 14th Annual Russian-speaking Community Awards Ceremony, on Sunday, May 19, 2019 at the Russian Arts and Culture Festival in Plummer Park on the main stage at 3p.m. For additional information call: 323-848-6501 or
Congratulations to our 14th Annual Russian-Speaking Community Awards Recipients of 2019:
Outstanding Community Service Award
This award recognizes an individual or organization that has devoted a significant amount of time, energy and/or resources to making a positive impact on the community. Examples might include (but are not limited to) local non-profit organizations, volunteers, public officials, or any individual or organization who has devoted extraordinary to making a difference in the lives of the community members.
- Yevgenya Epshtein the founder of the Russian-American Vocal Ensemble
Outstanding Achievement Award
This award recognizes an individual or company who has had a significant, positive impact on the quality of life in the community. It is for those who have achieved a high level of success, and who have used their success to do great work on behalf of the community. Examples might include (but are not limited to) corporations, small businesses, business owners, managers, executives, and any individuals in business, science, sports, politics, or any other kind of activity.
- Klub Znatokov or Russian Jeopardy Club
Role model of the year award
This award recognizes an individual or company who has had a significant, positive impact on the quality of life in the community. It is for those who have achieved a high level of success, and who have used their success to do great work on behalf of the community. Examples might include (but are not limited to) corporations, small businesses, business owners, managers, executives, and any individuals in business, science, sports, politics, or any other kind of activity.
Совет русскоязычной общины города Западный Голливуд установил три категории наград лицам, бизнесам или организациям, которые оказали положительное влияние на развитие и улучшение жизненного уровня представителей не только русскоязычной общины, но и всего населения города Западный Голливуд и большого Лос-Анджелеса.
Эти награды будут вручатся на 15й ежегодной церемонии вручения наград в русскоязычной общине, которая состоится в мае 2021 года во время Фестиваля Русской Культуры и Искусства, который будет проходить в виртуальном формате в течение всего месяца мая.
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